Gloria Baby diaper changing table

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Gloria Baby diaper changing table is one of the attractive and practical models of this collection, which is produced and marketed in two colors, white and cream, in a classic style. The combined material of wood and MDF used in the construction of this table has benefited from its strength and high capability for strong performance.

Accurate cutting and elegance in the assembly of parts completes the artistic construction of Gloria’s Baby diaper changing table and makes it a product in harmony with the classic atmosphere of the environment. Also, with the presence of other decorative components such as drawers and full length mirrors from the same collection, it will not be difficult to complete the classic space with this brand.

Let’s know the features of Gloria’s Baby diaper changing table…

Using a changing table to take care of cleaning and changing the baby’s clothes helps a lot in the ease and speed of things and significantly reduces its difficulty. Provided that it has the necessary dimensions and standards and can simultaneously maintain the decorative beauty of the environment.

Gloria Baby diaper changing table with all these features is an ideal example of these products.

Shelf dimensions
white and cream
wood and MDF
Number of drawers
four drawers