Lady Library

Cat: .


Lady library is one of the most stylish and attractive products and one of the white monochromatic products with very high quality balsa. From a decorative point of view, Lady library is designed and built with extraordinary and impressive beauty and in neoclassical style so that it can satisfy the users and customers of this product.

In addition to the beauty inherent in this style, its ability to be combined with both classic and modern styles is also one of the other things that users get by purchasing Lady library.

Learn more about the features of Lady Library!

This product, which is made of MDF, has a solid structure and easy use with the benefit of a lock, elite screw and ball rail, and it has become a product with high quality standards in manufacturing and consumption.

In addition, despite the PVC used in its construction, this library benefits from high flexibility properties and the advantage of resistance. The same features that have led to a long life for this MDF library, monochrome and white.
